Thursday, February 7, 2008

Time to Fly

After weeks of wind and rain the sun came out and the wind stopped blowing. Terry and I both have new planes waiting for their maiden flights so it was time to get back to the hobby part of my life. On Tuesday the wind was marginal for a maiden, so after a few minutes of humming and hawing, I decided to take the F-15 eagle up for a spin. I didn't finish the video tonight so watch for it tomorrow night. On Wednesday the wind was better so Terry took to the skies and flew five batteries threw his new 55" 300 Extra. The first flight was a little touchy since we set the exponential in the wrong direction and the plane was a little twitchy. Once that was corrected the plane flew beautifully and Terry brought her home without a scratch. Enjoy the video and look for the F-15 tomorrow.

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