Friday, July 24, 2009

Camping we will go.

Our friends Mark and Alisa are staying at the cabin for the next 10 days and it is too blazing hot to stay in the valley so camping at the 6000 ft level is the answer. We will be located for the next few days at the head of Rock Creek unless the mosquitoes and flies run us off. There isn't cell service so if you need to contact us just leave a message on Michele or my cell phones. We will come back to civilization about every other day to restock the whiskey and check for messages. See ya soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's a Brown Trout Night

After Michele out fished us guys last night it was time for revenge. It started out slow but guess who caught the first fish. Your right, Michele jumped out into the lead with a nice 21" 3 lb 7 oz. Brown. The pressure was on but I finally hooked a good one which was only 1" longer than Michele's but was 3 lbs 12 oz. Terry had to stop by Holiday Market on the way home and buy a coconut cream pie to ease his depression after being beat up on the water by my lovely wife. The coconut cream pie was great, thanks Terry. Tomorrow is a new day and after we shoot lacquer on the entertainment center we will terrorize ground squirrels with our .17 HMRs. Stay tuned.

Friday, July 17, 2009

It was a Rainbow Evening

Terry Howard escaped the heat in the valley today and helped out with our entertainment center project. It was only fitting that we head for the lake after dinner and chase some of those big Brown Trout at Geritol Cove. Funny thing was we only caught two nice Rainbows. Michele fish was 22" long and weighed 3 lb 10 oz. Mine was 20" and 3 lb. .03 oz. Terry's fish is still eating Hex flies and just getting bigger. Sorry Terry, my wife out fished us both.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Wheels more Big Browns

I was heading back up the hill on Monday afternoon and whammmm, my good old hunting and work truck gave up the ghost. It ended with a plume of steam rising out of the exhaust pipe. To make a long story short, Tuesday and Wednesday was reserved for truck research and believe it or not it was the easiest purchase I have ever made. I got a great deal on a new set of wheels and even had time last night to break it in, launching the boat at the dam. Michele and I launched at 7:00pm and boated three good Browns before dark. They measured 22", 20" and 19". Not a bad catch for the maiden voyage of our new truck. Take a good look at the pretty truck because Michele said it will never look the same after deer season.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Old Friend, Big Brown (and I'm not refering to UPS)

Facebook just brought together two old friends and after trading many old memories we created a new one. Randy Beebe, which was one of my best high school buddies, discovered me on Facebook and sent me a message last week and we instantly decided to meet at the cabin an catch up on the last 20+ years. Randy arrived Tuesday afternoon on his Harley decked out in leather and ready to dive into the past. I must admit reminiscing about the past was quite refreshing and after hours of talking about family, grand kids and values we had to admit we still have a lot in common which was the basis of your friendship in school. In our emails leading up to the reunion I promised Randy we would go chase a big trout. The Hex hatch is starting to taper off so I warned him that we had a 50-50 chance of being successful, and unfortunately I was right because only 50% of us caught fish. We both had many strikes but I was the lucky one, landing two nice trout. The Brown was the largest trout I have caught to date measuring 23", but I didn't have my scales to make it official. The big hook jawed male probably weighed in between 4 and 5 pounds. My neighbor Matt saved the head and fins and maybe some day we will see a great wall mount. I'm still waiting for the 25 incher to get serious about mounting a trophy for the cabin. Therefore, the mission still exists, Fish on dudes. Thanks Randy for reminiscing the past and making new memories for the future.