Thursday, October 29, 2009

Herbert Earl Stansbury III Vision Fund

Here's the deal. I have decided to start the Herbert Earl Stansbury III Vision fund or maybe just hire a hazmat company to cleanup all the lead and empty shell casing Herb scattered all over the BLM. Over the last two days Herb has educated a number of bucks or maybe just given them false security with a hunters ability to shoot straight. With a total of 10 shots at three different bucks over a two day period I can honestly say I think Herb had a blast. Bert and I also had a blast catching a few trout, listening to all the shooting and second guessing if it was Herb. After each volley of shots Bert and I would wait with anticipation for the cell phone to announce success, but it never rang. I noticed each of use checking our phones often for a missed call or some type of communication. The call never came through, figure that. One would think that his scope was off, but that was quickly ruled out with a test fire, so it must be his vision. Therefore, send me money and I will make arrangements to have Herb's vision checked.

It all started Wednesday morning when Herb, Bert and I launched the boat and headed down river to hunt a section of BLM land that is accessible only by boat. Since Herb was the only one with a deer tag, the plan was to drop him off and then Bert and I would trout fish until we met at a predetermined spot and time. The trout fishing was fun but the "One Thing" that made the trip memorable was the suspense of hearing all the shooting and waiting for the call.

I could tell the deer story but I feel that stories like this are best told by the shooter over a campfire at deer camp. The bottom line is: There is still room in the freezer honey.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Where has Pops been?

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. I have been working on the Red Bluff house for over a month getting ready for Garrett and Nicole's wedding, hence, no hobby activity to report. The wedding was beautiful and the two are enjoying a short honeymoon. We had tons of help cleaning up yesterday and believe it or not, the yard looks like a park and you can't even tell there was a raving party Saturday night. The trailers are loaded with tables and chairs to be returned today and after about noon time today old Pops will be ready to start practicing the highly refined art of participating in hobby craft.

First on the list is the bookcase I promised Emerson a long time ago. Then I hear the trout at Lake Almanor calling, the Steelhead on the Trinity begging for attention and Sam is anxious to chase a Quail or two out on the BLM. This storm should bring a few new Steelhead up the Sacramento River. Oh, I forgot about the G-1 Deer season opens on Saturday and Herb has promised to come up and hunt the river while Bert and I fish for Steelhead. So much to do and I think I have the time to do it. Stay tuned and I will report.