Saturday started early with dreams of big bucks and plenty of meat after seeing the big five point on Friday. We started with a drive down the canyon where we saw the big one, but didn't even jump a doe. In fact, we didn't even see a deer on opening morning. Later in the day we found a few deer down in the lower county, so to make the story short, we ended the day reconsidering dreams of holding out for a big one and discussing the options of killing a spork. (spike/fork) With day temps in the mid fifties and no snow in sight we decided to shoot the first legal buck we came across. Little did we know on Saturday, Sunday was going to be a different story.
Sunday Morning: We decided to checkout the newly found area and just cruise around looking for a few good spots to make a drive. We turned off the main road and twenty minutes later a group of does crossed the road with a buck in chase. He was a decent buck so we quickly decided he belonged to Rob. Tom jumped out, Rob jumped out and I stayed in the truck watching it all unfold like a real cluster ____. Tommy shouted shoot, I shouted shoot, Tommy shouted shoot again and Rob was quietly trying to see the buck through a very dirty scope. You had to be there to really appreciate the circus act going on. The buck started to trot across the clearing following the does and Tom didn't wait any longer. The first shot was a miss but his second was deadly. The buck only traveled twenty five yards and piled up across the deep ravine. We all thought it was just a forked horn but to our surprise he turned out to be a nice 4X2. After a nice drag across the head of the ravine we hung him in the closest juniper and boned him out. Next stop was town for ice and beer for a celebration.
After lunch and a short nap we headed back out to the same area for buck number two. It didn't take long and Rob's forked horn crossed the road chasing a bunch of does. Needless to say the old forked horn slayer did the duty on this poor little love sick teenager. I'm too tired and laughing to hard right now listening to Rob and Tom reliving the kill here in the hotel room. As I am typing this story Rob is trying to come up with a good excuse for his well placed shot.
Well, I'm laughing too hard and too tired to expand on the day so I will close here with dreams of big bucks again and high expectations for tomorrow. I am having problems with my power cord and if it takes a dump tomorrow this may be my last post until we get back. Enjoy the photos and hopefully we will have more stories tomorrow.
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