We finished the last of the turkey on Saturday night, so it's back to pizza and beer. Doesn't sound like the diet I need to start after a big eating weekend. We did get a little exercise by cutting a load of firewood on Saturday. The cabin has dried out and ready for remodel, but it will have to wait until spring.
Wouldn 't you know that with all the hunting I did this fall that as soon as I get back to the cabin a big buck would show up and snub his nose at me. We were getting to leave this afternoon and the toad below showed up in his swollen neck and all. This guy is only a three point but has a huge body. Can't wait to see him next year.
Also included is a photo of my neighbor, Matt, with a four pound Eagle Lake trout he caught this morning. They got their limits in about two hours and all six fish were nice ones. The three largest were almost carbon copies.
Tadd and Mini are getting ready for the big event so I probably will not get a chance to post again until next week. Enjoy the photos.