Facebook just brought together two old friends and after trading many old memories we created a new one. Randy Beebe, which was one of my best high school buddies, discovered me on Facebook and sent me a message last week and we instantly decided to meet at the cabin an catch up on the last 20+ years. Randy arrived Tuesday afternoon on his Harley decked out in leather and ready to dive into the past. I must admit reminiscing about the past was quite refreshing and after hours of talking about family, grand kids and values we had to admit we still have a lot in common which was the basis of your friendship in school. In our emails leading up to the reunion I promised Randy we would go chase a big trout. The Hex hatch is starting to taper off so I warned him that we had a 50-50 chance of being successful, and unfortunately I was right because only 50% of us caught fish. We both had many strikes but I was the lucky one, landing two nice trout. The Brown was the largest trout I have caught to date measuring 23", but I didn't have my scales to make it official. The big hook jawed male probably weighed in between 4 and 5 pounds. My neighbor Matt saved the head and fins and maybe some day we will see a great wall mount. I'm still waiting for the 25 incher to get serious about mounting a trophy for the cabin. Therefore, the mission still exists, Fish on dudes. Thanks Randy for reminiscing the past and making new memories for the future.

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