There were a few deer killed in our zones, but all were on private ranches. After 7 days of hunting we threw in the towel and headed home to go steelhead fishing on the Trinity River. The buck below was Kyle's first buck and boy what a dandy. Larry, the super guy that rented us the bunkhouse guided Kyle on his first hunt on a private ranch. The other photo is a cool 4x3 that was killed by a lady from Wisconsin on the Louisiana Purchase Outfitters ranch. This buck only cost her $3900. At that price you can feed the herd a lot of hay through the winter. The bailing twine tangled in his horns is proof that this buck prefers bales of hay instead of sage brush.
Sorry I didn't post to the blog from Meeker, but when you have nothing to write about and Mr. Daniels is treating your depression keying up the computer is pretty low on my list of fun things. Maybe I'll have more to write about when we get back from the Trinity River.