Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Buck Down (really big)

Tadd finally connected with a big boy. He has been saving up all these years to make his first buck a big one. Now he is ruined for live, it is only down hill from here. To put his buck into perspective, probably less than 1% of the bucks killed in California have six points. He almost had seven on one side but the velvet covered the split point on one tine. The spread is only about 18 inches but any hunter would be proud to bag a 6x4 still in velvet. It has been an exhausting day so I will only post a few photos in this post but I promiss to tell the whole story when I have more time. Enjoy the photos and stay tuned for more photos and maybe a movie of the excitement after the shot. BBD.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A new link

Just to update everyone on my new granddaughter I have added a link to her webpage. It is titled "Olivia's Webpage" and is the first entry on the right side bar. Nikki's photography is amazing and does a great job posting new photos. Click on Olivia's link and check out my new beautiful grand daughter.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back from Utah

We just got back today from Utah and boy what a blast. Olivia is the prettiest little girl in the world and really a pleasure to spoil. Olivia visited the doctor this week and everything is just perfect. She is eating really well and gaining weight right on schedule. It was fun feeding her in the car while Nikki and Michele were out shopping for a new reunion dress. Mom is really doing well and ready to get back to work on a part time basis. Jeff and Nikki have a really good deal going with work and able to juggle things around and cover all the bases. ( Jeff sold a house this week to start the month off in fashion) It was difficult leaving the little girl but all my chores were done (along with a little scouting for Elk). Enjoy the photos.