This weekend, over Easter brunch, the subject came up about how expensive out of country calls cost ( USA to Mexico). Dawn mentioned she had heard of a service called Skype which is an Internet company that provides long distance calling through your Internet connection. I'm not to interested in calling foreign countries on a daily basis, but the idea of calling friends and relatives for free got my attention. When I checked into Skype it looked very interesting and the web cam feature really got my attention. I'm not so interested in looking at all my ugly friend's faces but the thought of being able to talk to my grandchild and soon to be grandchildren really seemed cool. I signed up for the free service and I was amazed how easy it is to use. Most of us use our cell phones to call long distance and the quality really sucks at times. I was amazed with the quality of the sound with the little mic I found in the bottom of my junk drawer. I can't wait to buy a couple of web cams so I can get Ryder set up so we can communicate on a different level. (I'll be calling you Mindy). The calls are free if you are talking Skype to Skype and a long distance charge of 2cents a minute apply to regular land lines. This is a service everyone should look into and the web cam feature is exciting. ( can't wait until they can make it fit on my wrist)
Sign up for Skype Here and give me a call.